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В большегрызловской библиотеке Большого Серпухова рассказывают о заповедниках

В Большегрызловской сельской библиотеке открылась уникальная книжно-иллюстративная выставка-путешествие под названием «Жемчужины России»

The main conceptual idea of the text is to highlight the importance of nature reserves ( zapovedniks) in protecting endangered species and ecosystems. The text describes a unique exhibition in a library in Big Serpukhov called "Gems of Russia" which showcases books and illustrations about Russian nature reserves. The exhibition aims to educate visitors about: * The importance of nature reserves for biodiversity conservation. * The specifics of different nature reserves in Russia. * The rules of behavior in natural environments to ensure preservation. The text also emphasizes the local relevance by mentioning the Prioksko-Terrasny State Nature Biosphere Reserve located in the region.

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